Solaris 8 paging

Monday, April 07, 2003
What do all the TCP states actually mean?

a. CLOSED (0)
1. Socket is closed
b. LISTEN (1)
1. Socket is passive, awaiting a connection request
c. SYN_SENT (2)
1. Socket is active, has sent a SYN
2. Session not yet active
1. Socket is active, has sent and received SYN
2. Session not yet active
1. Socket is active
2. Session is active, has completed handshake
1. Socket is closed, received FIN, waiting for close
2. Session is terminating
g. FIN_WAIT (6)
1. Socket is closed, sent FIN, waiting for FIN ACK
2. Session is terminating
h. CLOSING (7)
1. Socket is closed, exchanged FIN, waiting for FIN ACK
2. Session is terminating
i. LAST_ACK (8)
1. Socket is closed, received FIN, waiting for FIN ACK
2. Session is terminating
j. FIN_WAIT_2 (9)
1. Socket is closed, received FIN ACK
2. Session is complete
k. TIME_WAIT (10)
1. Socket is closed, waits for ( 2 * max segment life )
2. Session is complete